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Zatarains Logo for Campaign

Zatarain's mission to bring zing to every meal is extended to bringing zing to everything.

The current mission: Changing one Twitter user's opinion about her boring town.


Zatarains Tweet

We initiate bringing the flavor to @Abby98's neighborhood the only way such a flavorful brand would know how.

Zeppelin + Parachuted Zatarain's

Zatarains Zing Machine Blimp

Parade through @Abby98's Neighborhood


When @Abby98 announces she has changed her mind and we've generated buzz, we reward @Abby98 appropriately: with a statue made out of rice.

Rice Statue in Akron City Hall

Zatarains Rice Statue


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Facebook Carousel Zatarain's Fixer Upper

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Newspaper Coupon Ad

Zatarains Coupon Newspaper Print Ad

Art directors: Violet Mullins and Tia LePore

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